Thursday, September 17, 2015

Home Field Advantage

Hebrews 10: 19- 25

            Eric Liddell was the son of a Presbyterian Pastor. He was known as the “Flying Scot” because in his teens and early 20’s he was one of the fastest men to run the hundred yard dash.  He was so good he represented the team from Great Britain in the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. 

            When he arrived, he discovered that the qualifying heats were to be held on a Sunday and he had firm convictions about following the fourth commandment to honor the Sabbath Day, so his conscience would not permit him to run on that day.  He believed this was a time for worship and that he should be in church. Despite direct pressure from the King of England he “held fast to his confession of hope without wavering.” He gave up his dream of winning a gold medal in the hundred yard dash.

            The story had a happy ending though, because Eric entered the 400 meter race because the preliminary heats were not held on a Sunday, and although he was stronger in the shorter distance he still won a gold medal and set a record that lasted for a dozen years.  Following the games he went to China to serve as a Presbyterian missionary until he was martyred for his faith.  He died in a Japanese internment camp in 1945.

            His story is told in the movie, “Chariots of Fire”. I bring this up because of the scene that both begins and ends this film.

(fade in music)

            The track team dressed in pure white shorts and shirts run barefoot along the beach.  Even though some of them are faster and some of them are slower, they run together.  And I know why because we did the same thing when I ran track and cross country in High School.  We always began our training session with a warm-up and closed it with a cool-down and we always did it together.  During that time we talked.  We encouraged each other, so even if you were a little tired you dug deeper to stay with the group.  You didn’t want to be left behind and miss the conversation.  And if you were stronger you slowed down a bit to keep the group together because you wanted to hear what the others had to say.  We ran together because we knew we ran better together.

(fade out music)

            Our scripture today recognizes that reality. It prompts us to stay together and to encourage one another to love and good works.  As we seek to understand these words, let us pray:

Gentle God we come before you, many of us, as bruised reeds and flickering candles.[1]  Faith has faltered and hopes have dimmed.  The struggles and disappointments in life have taken their toll.  Yet, we see by your Word and example; and the example of those who have followed you closely that there is no one beyond the reach of your redemptive hand.

O God, light of the minds that know you, life of the souls that love you, strength of the thoughts that seek you:  Helps us to know you so that we may truly love you, so to love you that we may fully serve you, whose service is perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

The first time I ever visited a traditional Greek Orthodox I was surprised by two unusual architectural features.  First, there were no chairs.  The congregation was expected to stand throughout the worship service, and if you’re doing that you’re really hoping for a short sermon.  Second, there was an intricate lattice wall that separated the congregation from the chancel area and the altar where the elements for the Holy Eucharist were consecrated and sanctified by the priests. Whatever they were doing back there was a mystery because you could not see.  They designed it that way to emphasize the difference between that which was seen as holy and so closer to God from that which was seen as common and so farther from God.

They were not the first to do that. Herod’s temple in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus followed the same principle.  The “holy of holies” at the center of the sanctuary marked the place where it was believed God was more fully present.  Only the High Priest could enter and he could do that only once a year during Yom Kippur.  What people learned from the architecture is that God is holy and separate and distant and not really a part of their everyday lives.

That’s why the writer to the Hebrews marks the moment recorded in the gospel of Matthew, “when Jesus cried out with a loud voice and breathed his last breath, the curtain in the Temple that separated the people for the Holy of Holies was turn in two.”[2]

 Because of this miracle the writer to the Hebrews says we now experience God in a new and living way.  We can approach God with a “true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” [3]

That’s what drew those early believers into this fledgling church.  They had heard the good news of the Gospel.  They had believed and received.  They were born again and washed in the blood of the lamb.  They were excited about their faith and the promises of God that it held and they were eager to share it. 

When the starting gun fired they leapt out of the blocks and began to “run the race before them looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of their faith.”[4]  They started out fast and they started out strong but after a while some of them grew tired or bored so they dropped out and they gave up. They thought Jesus was going to return soon and so they saw faith as a hundred yard dash, but when he didn’t they realized this was a marathon, a life-time commitment and that was too much.

That’s why the writer to the Hebrews noted that some in the congregation were “neglecting to meet together”. They were tired or they were bored so they found something else to do. He thought that was bad for the soul for a couple of different reasons.

First, he said we need to gather together so that we can, “hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering.”[5]  He understood as parents everywhere understand that we are influenced by those with whom we associate. That’s why parents want to know who their kids are hanging around with. They get worried when their daughter show up with a guy with a nose ring with scraggly hair wearing a leather jacket that says “Hell’s Angels” on the pack.  They know that the values of whoever they hang around with will shape their views, and that will guide their decisions and ultimately their lives.

This is true for adults as well.  We are not immune to the influence of others.  That’s why advertisers are expected to pay five million dollars for a thirty second spot at the next Super Bowl.  They would not spend that kind of money if they did not believe that some people may buy their beer or their car or their soft drink because they saw this five million dollar 30 second commercial.

The writer to the Hebrews believed that if you want your faith to remain strong and if you want your spirit to thrive and if you wish to be guided by God in the decisions you make and the action you take you need to gather with those people who have the same goals.  We need to run together he said so that we can “encourage one another to love and good works.”

That’s the second reason why it is important not to try and go it alone.  Some people believe that sleeping in and staying home and catching a good sermon from a T.V. preacher is enough.  It’s the same Bible that is being taught after all so why do you need anybody else? 

The writer to the Hebrews believed that when you stay at home you ironically lose home field advantage.  Ask any athlete if he or she would rather play in an empty stadium or play in front of a hometown crowd all rooting for you success and cheering you on when you get tired and they’re sure to tell you there is a home-field advantage.  You dig a little deeper, try a little harder, and find a little more within yourself when you are surrounded by people who believe in you.

There is a difference between watching the game on T.V. and going to the stadium with like-minded people cheering for the black and gold.

The writer to the Hebrews said we should “consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.”[6] Notice how these two are connected.  He does not separate love from action.  They are joined together.  One motivates the other.  And historically this has been the strongest and more persuasive aspect of the Christian faith.  People more often believe not because of what they hear us say, but because of what they see us do.

I’ll give you an example.  Ten years ago Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans and the gulf coast of Mississippi.  Immediately the Presbyterian Church responded through one of our more effective ministries called, “Presbyterian Disaster Assistance”.  They set up a base camp on the grounds of the Luling Presbyterian Church just outside of New Orleans and groups of volunteers from Presbyterian Churches around the country came and stayed in tents at night and worked in flooded out houses during the day.

A group from the church I was serving at the time went down.  In fact they went down about a dozen times.  Now I can tell you from personal experience that there is nothing like mucking out a house that had been submerged under 10 feet of stinky and often polluted waters. Because of the dangerous mold we had to wear filtered breathing masks and cover every inch of our bodies with long pants and long sleeves and hard hats in Louisiana in April.

The owner of the house I worked on was a single mother in her 20’s.  She had a little boy about 3 or 4 and she told me when the water came up she took her son into the attic, but the water continued to rise so now they were trapped.  The only reason they survived is because she found a hatchet and opened a hole in the roof to crawl out.  She had no idea why the hatchet was there.  She hadn’t put it there and there was nothing else in that attic.  She saw it as a blessing, or rather a miracle from God.

They were on that roof for two days with no food and no water to drink before they were rescued, and even after they were rescued she said they were given one bottle of water and one peanut butter sandwich to share.  Needless to say she was very grateful we were there to help rebuild her home.

At the end of our week our group went to classic New Orleans dive, a local restaurant where the blue-collar locals went to eat. We ordered mountainous platters of crayfish with corn on the cob and sausage on the top, and because the crayfish had some Cajun spice some beer to wash it down.

Before our waitress went to get to get our food she asked if we had come down to “work on the houses”.  That’s the way she put it, “Work on the houses”.  I told her we just finished up a week and were heading home.  Then she said in that rich New Orleans accent I couldn’t even begin to imitate, “What church are ya’ll from?”  None of us were wearing our blue PDA shirts.  We were dressed for the plane ride home. We had not identified ourselves in anyway.

I told her and then I asked her, “How did you know we were from a church?”  She said, “Church people are the only ones who are coming down to help.”  She went on to say, “the federal program FEMA was slow to help and had too much paperwork”, the state government was useless and the city government was corrupt.” (In fact the mayor is in prison to this day.)  The only people she knew who were coming to help were from churches.  That kind of witness and testimony was not lost on her.
I saw the same thing in the Port-a-Prince airport two months after the earthquake in Haiti.  Most of the airport had been leveled so all incoming and departing passenger were crammed into a room only three times the size of our fellowship hall.  Almost everyone I saw was wearing a shirt something like this one, identifying the church they had come from.  They had come to help because they believed that love and good works are connected.  They are woven of the same cloth.

That’s why it is important we gather together so that we can encourage one another to love and good works, so that we can encourage one another to “hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering”, so that we can encourage one another to “run the race that is before us keeping our eyes fixed upon Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.”

Let us pray:

We thank you Lord, for those who have cared for us, who have encouraged us.  Help us become encouragers so that we might consider how to stir one another to love and good works.  This we pray in the name of the one who holds us with everlasting arms.  Amen.

[1] Isaiah 42:1-4
[2] Matthew 27:50-51
[3] Hebrews 10:21-22
[4] Hebrews 12:1-2
[5] Hebrews 10:23
[6] Hebrews 10:24

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