Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dressing Up for Christmas

Romans 13:11-14

December 1, 2013

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There are in every life - moments that matter.  There are times we remember with great clarity: the first day of school, your first kiss, the day you were married.  You may even remember “the hour you first believed”.  Some can tell you to the second, the moment they came to believe that Jesus Christ was and is who he said he was, “the son of the living God”. (Matthew 16:17)  They can tell you on which day they made their confession of faith.  For others that moment is more blurred; and memories not so clear; but its impact is just as profound. 

There is a spiritual birthday for all who claim Christ; but like all birthdays, they mark only the beginning of life; the beginning of a succession of moments that matter. The time that we have is a gift from God.  It is a gift which moves and matters.  It takes us from one place and leads us to another; and it carries with it meaning and purpose.

“Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed”; so take care you do not squander the time you have left.  God can help you make the most of it; make it matter. So, use your time wisely; for it is a most precious gift.  Before we begin to unwrap this gift; let us pray:

God of Eternity; you have placed within each of us a spark of eternity, a glimpse of what is to come.  Yet, we remain trapped in time which seems too short and goes by too fast.  So, we pack the hours and days with activities, with things to do, places to go, and people to see.  Yet, at the end of the day or even our lives we look back and wonder - what was it all for.

Awaken us to the opportunities you place before us; strengthen us for the challenges ahead.  Help us to make our moments matter as we learn to live and love through Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Today is the first Sunday in Advent. That means there are twenty-four days to Christmas.  Now, if you are a young child anxiously waiting for a favorite toy or game that will feel like an eternity. Time will tick away through molasses. The very young ones may wake up every morning and ask “Is it Christmas yet?”  If you are a parent or especially if you are a grandparent, time will fly faster than Santa’s sleigh. You have so much to do and prepare for that before you can blink an eye it will be here.

We all have different experiences with time. About thirty years ago, I had the opportunity of staying with a Jamaican friend and his family deep in the mountains some twenty miles south of Montego Bay.  That’s where I learned that there are two kinds of time.  There is obsessive-compulsive, calendar watching, clock winding, be there five minutes early, northern American time - and then there is Jamaican time.

Now, Jamaican time ignores the clock and barely acknowledges the calendar.  “I’ll pick you up outside the Sandals Resort at three o’clock” really means “look for me about four, but it will probably be five.”  My friend didn’t leave me waiting to be rude.  For him it was not a matter of control or exerting power.  It was not done out of a feeling of self-importance; of thinking that his time was more important than mine. Rather, I discovered his view of time was formed by his tendency to become “lost in the moment”. That is, he gave his full attention to the people he was with and the activity in which he was involved.  He was so present to the moment that he was living now that he didn’t think much about the next moment until this one is over.

Contrast that with the view of time which dominates our community especially at Christmas. We will fill up our calendars, trying to fit as much activity as possible into the time we have. We will check off our to-do lists with frantic urgency.  Yet, at the end of the day, or year, or at the end of our lives we wonder with great anxiety if we have really lived or if we have just gone through the motions. We are always thinking about the next thing we’re supposed to do, or the next person we’re supposed to see, or the next place we’re supposed to go. As a result, we are not really present to the people we are with right now. We become like those annoying people we meet at cocktail parties whose eyes are always scanning the room looking for someone more important to talk to.  We move through life as if on autopilot; not really paying attention.

To that way of thinking, to that way of living Paul says, “Love is the fulfilling of the law.  So, be aware of what hour it is, how it is full time now for you to wake up.  For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” (Romans 13:10-11) In other words, be present to the people you are with; be aware of what God is doing; and cherish the time you have.  The Greek word for this view of time is “Kairos”.

Kairos is God’s time, the existential moment of opportunity and decision.” (Stott, John: Romans pg 351) It differs from another Greek word for time - “chronos”; from which we get our word chronometer or clock. Chronos simply refers to minutes, one piled upon another.  Chronos is the second hand slowing to a crawl at two-thirty on a Friday afternoon.  Chronos is being stuck in traffic when you are already late for an important appointment.  Chronos is a boring preacher who never seems to get to the point. (Now, I can see many of you are puzzled by this last statement; but believe me, this does happen --- in other churches, of course.)

“Kairos” on the other hand refers to those moments that matter; that make a difference.  The hands on the clock seem to spin faster during those Kairos moments.  Time telescopes because we become less aware of ourselves and more aware of the people and circumstance around us.  We become more present to one another.

 Shortly, we will enter into one of those moments that matter.  We stop what we’re doing.  We pause from the hustle and bustle; hopefully we even keep from reflexively checking our watches in order to be “present unto the Lord.” 

It is an appointment that Jesus makes with us. “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be.” (Matthew 18:20) The Lord’s Supper is our standing appointment to be present to the Lord; because he promised he would be present unto us. The Lord’s Supper is that in-between time, the transition between the Kingdom of the world in which we live and the Kingdom of God into which we will soon enter. It can be one of those moments which move us from one place to another; which provide meaning and purpose.

When you taste the bread; when you drink the cup Christ reminds you of what he has done; the sacrifice he has made for you; and he calls you to respond to that precious gift by returning to Him the time he has already given you.  The Lord’s Supper reminds us of what Christ has done; focuses us on what Christ is doing; and calls us forward to what he promises will yet be.  It is about our past, our present, and our future.

This is what the apostle meant when he said, “the night is far gone, the day is at hand.  Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12)

Now most of us think it is darkness not light that will protect us. If someone doesn’t see what we are doing we think we will be safe.  That’s why students sit in the back of class. When the teacher asks a question they do not know the answer to, they will shift in their chairs to hide behind the student in front of them figuring that if the teacher doesn’t see me the teacher will not call on me.

That’s why some people look around when they ding someone’s bumper in the parking lot. They figure if no one saw it they can get away with it.  They can walk away from it. Darkness they think will be their friend.

But, sometimes it is not. If you are walking down a dark alley late at night in a neighborhood you do not know, you look for the light, you run to the light because you know it is the light that will protect you. People are less likely to hurt you in the light of day, less likely to do you harm if everyone else can see.

It is light that protects us and so Paul wrote put on the armor of light and later clarifies what that means, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ”.

This is the time of the year, when people will put on their Christmas clothes of red and green.  They will wear the Christmas ties and their Christmas socks and some will don their Christmas sweaters.  That’s how we put on Christmas, but how do we put on Christ?

Paul tells us in the letter he wrote to the church in Colossae, “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12) The old bumper sticker summed it up.  Ask yourself WWJD?  In every circumstance, in every trial, in every temptation, “What would Jesus do?”

As we move toward our Christmas celebration we will become increasingly time conscious; when in fact, we should become more Christ conscious. In a Santa Claus world this is not easy. Few television programs let Christ into their holiday shows. The gift giving idea sold by department stores is not connected at all with the gifts of the Magi offered to a new born King; but is instead interwoven with presents we give to each other.

Yet, if the season is to have any impact on our lives at all it will be when those “kairos” moments break through the “chronos”.  It will be when we cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light that we will better catch a glimpse of God moving in our lives.

Thirty years ago, while waiting outside the Sandal’s Resort for my friend who said he’d pick me up at three; I learned the difference between the “chronos” and “kairos” view of time.  I never did adopt the Jamaican view.  I fret if I’m late, I keep a calendar and check my watch; but since then I’ve tried to recognize those “kairos” moments that God gives. These are the moments that give our faith muscle.  These are the moments that lift our eyes upward.  These are the moments that keep us facing forward. 

 It demands a spiritual awareness.  It requires you be “present unto the Lord.”  Jesus has made an appointment with you; and in a few moments he will keep that appointment as he promised.  Somehow in the mystery of this Holy Supper Christ will be you.  Awaken to his presence in your life as you remember what He has done; as you open your eyes to what He is doing; and as you hold onto the promises He has made for your future; for salvation is nearer now than when you first believed.

Let us pray:

            Almighty God, who came to us long ago in the birth of Jesus Christ, be born in us anew today by the power of your Holy Spirit.  We offer our lives as home to you and ask for grace and strength to live as you faithful, joyful children always. Amen


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