Sunday, March 6, 2011

No Comparison 

“When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?  Follow me.”
John 21: 22

            From the time we first become aware we begin to compare.  Toddlers will carefully measure their parent’s love to insure that a sibling does not get more time and attention than they.  Christmas presents are counted to make sure everyone is treated the same in number and quality, and if the distribution seems unfair will quickly exclaim, “She got more than me!”  When we go to school we soon learn that our performance will be graded and measured against our classmates and that continues into the workplace.  Most of us spend our whole lives evaluating ourselves to see if we measure up.

            Churches do that as well.  There is always a congregation nearby that seems to be doing better: drawing more young people, filling up the parking lot, and building a new addition.  Folks will drive by that church and then gather over coffee in their own and wonder, “Why can’t our church be like that? Why can’t we be like them?” The answer to that question often leads to a feeble attempt at imitation.  Churches try to replicate programs or worship styles of their more successful neighbor, but it never turns out the same.  They can’t really become like their neighbor and it may be that they are not supposed to.

            At the end of the gospel of John, after Jesus gave Peter his marching orders, “Feed my sheep”. Peter swivels his head around and points to John and asks, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus essentially responds, “What is that to you?”  The implication is clear.  Peter is supposed to focus on the mission Jesus gave him and not worry about the mission Jesus gives to John.  Each has their calling and their own ministry.

            Jesus concludes his message to Peter, “Follow me.”  That’s all that matters. Focus on where God is leading you and on what the Lord may be calling your church to do and let others do the same.
            Lord, you have created each of us unique with our own gifts and abilities.  You called us to use those in our own way. But, we confess we often covet others and so try to become a pale imitation.  Keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith so that we may be who you created us to be.  Amen.

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