Monday, July 23, 2012


Lamp Light

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.”
Joshua 24:15 

          Every time we drive through a fast food restaurant, or stroll down a grocery store aisle, or wander through a used car lot we face choices, decisions that have to be made.  When we choose one thing it often means we’ve decided against something else.  Our new car will either be a convertible or it won’t. 

          Choices can be hard because instead of either/or we want both/and.  The folks to whom Joshua spoke were both/and kind of people.  They wanted to worship the God who had brought them out of the land of bondage, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but they also wanted to hedge their bets.  Their Amorite neighbors worshipped a god called Baal who guaranteed good crops and healthy babies. 

          So, they tried to have it both ways.  On the Sabbath they worshipped the God who created heaven and earth, and then during the rest of the week they worshipped at the altar of an idol one who promised wealth and prosperity.  It seemed to them to be the best of both worlds. 

          But, Joshua stood up at Shechem and declared a choice must be made.  God who laid the foundation of the world would not play second fiddle to a golden idol.  Both/and cannot work in matters of the spirit because such things reach deep into the heart and a divided heart can never find peace.  So, “choose this day whom you will serve”, and let that decision become the rock upon which you stand.